Ever find yourself at the Apple Store and wanting to entertain yourself?
Whenever I go to the Apple Store I'm usually bored. Honestly, there's very little I can do on a computer at the Apple Store that will give me any real insight into how it will perform in real-life. So like most people, I just stand around trying to look like I know what I'm doing there while really I'm just wasting my time.
But I've found a new way to spend some time at the Apple Store and actually enjoy myself and I'm going to call it: "iSurfing."
Simply walk around the iPhone displays, pick up a random iPhone and go to its photo gallery and browse the photos and videos that other customers have left on the phones. It can be absolutely hilarious and a fun way to spend a few minutes of your time. You might also find a cute girl - and if you're really lucky, maybe she sent an e-mail to a friend from the phone and viola!, you've got her email address.
Which should be notice to the rest of you: don't take photos of yourself or leave any evidence of yourselves on these demo units. You never know who is going to stalk you after you leave...
Actually... you just told everyone who is going to stalk them after they leave.