Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm in the coffee business. I understand and accept that. Sadly, this also seems to mean that almost all the people I follow on Twitter are also in the coffee business. Which means that it's the general same tweets about coffee. "I tasted this coffee this morning - great!" or "I'm going to this throwdown."

To be honest, following all coffee people tends to be a bit monotonous and boring, making me wonder if these people do anything but coffee in their lives. It's depressing.

So, in an effort to expand my horizons, learn new things, gain new insights and read different perspectives, I'm seeking out Tweets to follow by people outside the coffee business. It's tremendously boring when everyone seems to agree that they should Extract Mojo and allowing that to determine if they will drink that coffee.

BTW, if you're the kind of person who has no idea what "Extract Mojo" means, then chances are I would like to follow your tweets. Please send me a message!

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