Not so cheesy anymore, Kimmy.
Or something along that line. Maybe amateurish was the word.
It was one of the first comments Kimmy said to me about Spro Coffee's website back in October.
First thought that came to mind: "Fired."
Second thought that came to mind: She's right.
For a long time, the Spro website has been lacking. It was unimaginative. Uninspired. Bored. That site had been up for a couple of years and was looking tired and old. Fuddy-duddy. It needed help - bad. But really, there's just too much going on for me to give it the attention it deserved and write another site.
But finally, I got off my butt and coded a redesign in one evening. Gone are the multiple pages. Gone are the outdated photos. Gone are the garish colors. In their place is a site that I think is clean and simple. Just a bit of information you need to know about Spro and nothing more.
Have a look and tell me what you think. Maybe even Kimmy will like it...