abc2new's Charley Crowson lines up an interview.
Over the weekend on Saturday we celebrated the One Year Anniversary of Spro Hampden's opening. It's been a fun, exciting and educational year for us. We've been learning how to manage multiple locations, manage a wide array of great coffees from many different roasters, and we've constantly been refining our service and preparation techniques.
Along the way, we've made some great friends and generally have enjoyed a great time over the past twelve months.
Ordering from the Anniversary Menu.
To mark the date, we brought in a selection of coffees from Filadelfia Estate in Guatemala, Cafe ZaJay in Veracruz, Mexico, Four Barrel in San Francisco and the Aida's Grand Reserve from El Salvador - all for just One Dollar a cup!
You know, because One Year means One Dollar, so for the ten year anniversary all coffees will cost ten dollars!
She's a St. Bernard!
Predictably, the AGR sold out within the first 90 minutes. I mean, here's one of the most celebrated coffees that our customers have seen on and they've heard the hype but just couldn't or didn't want to spend $14 on a cup. Now they can come and get it for a buck - half the price of our normally cheapest coffee??? That's crazy! And we blew through the remaining inventory with record speed.
It was a good day with many of our friends, regulars and well-wishers stopping by to see what was on offer. And when the Anniversary Coffees ran out, we ran the Brazil Samamobaia as the Anniversary Coffee so that everyone could have the opportunity to try amazing coffees for a dollar.
Lindsay oversees her last day.
Also, it was Lindsay's last day with us so we gathered at the midday shift change with a chilled bottle of Ketel One and toasted to her future.
All in all, it was a nice way to cap off our first year at Spro Hampden.
Shots of Ketel One to celebrate and bid adieu.