Dodging traffic outside of Bogota.
Carolina wanted to spend my last day in Colombia touring me around her country. Who was I to say no? That would be foolish.
So, up and early at 6am we're heading out with her mom and driver in tow. Actually, we're the ones in tow since we're sitting in the back. Gonzales, the driver, zips the Suzuki SUV through traffic like an old pro. He's got a crewcut and a bulge protruding from his hip - I decide not to enquire further.
It's a beautiful day overall and we're whisked out to towns a few hours outside of Bogota. At one point, I think we were four hours from Bogota. Along the way we saw the Virgen of Chiquinquira, blessed with holy water, sampled traditional candies and Carolina had her first taste of longanisa.
From sun up to well past sundown. It was a good time. I'll let the photos speak for themselves.
Ordering breakfast at ColFrance.
The Cemetery at Chiquinquira.
An assortment of traditional candies.
Guanabana and arrequipe. Tasty.
The Basilica at Chiquinquira.
The Padre blesses the faithful in front of the Virgen de Chiquinquira.
Inside the Basilica dome
The girls on the plaza at Chiquinquira.
Eating ice cream sandwich.
Into the valley by Raquira.
Browsing souvenir shops.
Main Street Raquira.
A Longanisa factory.
Carolina ponders her first taste of longanisa.
Chicharron Art.
Movie vehicles on the plaza in Villa de Leiva.
Now this is the way I like to live.
From the terrace of the Hotel Duruelo.
Fresh papaya.
Inside the empanada.
Rice and avocado for the Ajiaco.
Cheese and olive salad.
Chicken soup.
Dessert of queso and syrup.
Gonzales battles the rain.
Carolina and her soup at Crepes & Waffles.
Mexican Crepe.
Sweet cheese crepe.
Back into Bogota traffic.