Christian, Alex, Gerry and Neil at Spro.
The Neil is in town from Honolulu for 48 hours. The Neil is a doctor who is an Evidence Specialist for the Scientific Investigation Section's Crime Unit of the Honolulu Police Department. He's the real world CSI for Hawaii Five-O.
Of course, crime in Honolulu is anything but the automatic weapons fire, murders and kidnappings depicted in the television series. Watch Hawaii Five-O and you'd think Honoululu was the Wild West. They hardly deal with anything like that because life in Hawaii is much more relaxed and enjoyable. But what he tells me they do deal with is surprising. Tourist jumpers who have come to the islands to end it all and sexual assaults in Waikiki top the list of things the Crime Scene Unit deals with on a regular basis.
The El Mexi-Can, Mexican style hot chocolate.
The Neil is in town for some meetings or another. Could be field-related or it could be something else - the details are sparse. Whatever the case, we're old college friends and our tribe has gathered to celebrate his visit with coffee in the morning at Spro, brunch at Woodberry Kitchen, a little shopping and then proper Maryland Crabs and Filipino Pork and Chicken Adobo for dinner, capped off with some bourbon and cigars.
In the morning, The Neil jets back to Honolulu just in time for the 7pm watch with HPD.
Breakfast Pizza, er, Flatbread.
Roasted Oysters
The Winklers ponder a Ricotta Pancake.
James drops dishes for Tilly and Gerry.
Molly's Breakfast Sandwich
Burger on an English Muffin.
Fries and the Roasted Tenderloin Sandwich.
A closer look at the roasted tenderloin.
Christine, Sophie and Neil.
Steamed Crabs, Adobo, Corn and Rice. Real Eating.
Tilly and Neil ponder the excesses of a day of eating.