Once again, it's time to fly and that means it's time to pack. Packing is always a challenge and I thought this time I would share some of the essential things that I take with me. Most of the items I normally bring with me, others are tailored specifically for this trip.
I'll start in the darkest corner to the left that's hardest to see:
- 1 pair Hawaiian Island Creation board shorts (for hotel swimming pools)
- 1 pair "Locals Only" slippahs for casual hanging out
- 3 sets of underwear
- 1 pair Russell athletic shorts
- 1 pair Levis blue jeans
- 1 pair khaki trousers
- 1 pair black trousers
- 4 button down dress shirts
- 3 ties (no yacht club tie this time)
- 1 pair Ecco dress shoes
- 3 pairs white athletic socks
- 3 pairs black dress socks
- 1 Panavision cap
- Canon XT DSLR with 22-105mm lens
- Gorilla Grip tripod
- Canon battery chargers
- Assorted European power adapters
- Extra memory cards
- DEET Spray and Bug Repellant
- Medical Kit to cure various ailments
- Bounce fabric softener (for bug repellency)
- Apple VGA adaptor for MacBook Pro
- iHome DC/AC converter with airplane jack
- Cat5 cable
- Parillo protein chew bar
- iPhone 4GB
- London based European GSM phone
- iPod 180GB
- Assorted cables and adapters
- Emergency Montecristo Cigar
- Earbud headphones
- Assorted Paperwork (CQI/WBC/WHO reading)
- 1 worn Louis Vuitton wallet (for looking fancy)
- Dollars and Euros
- MacLeans toothpaste
- United Airlines travel toothbrush
- disposable razors
- nail clippers
- sewing kit
- Q-tips
- Barbasol travel can
- Advil & Loratadine
- Lady Gaga Ticket (to be fabulous)
- International Driving Permit (for visiting Ferrari)
- Immunization Card
- Passport
- Press Pass (just in case)
- Sixt Card (for rentals)
- MacBook Pro
Time to put it all in a case and hit the road!