Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day In Venice

Waiting in line at Intelligentsia like the regular people.

Chris Tacy is in town and we decided to spend the day visiting Venice Beach and drinking coffee at Intelligentsia where we met up with TonX and had lunch at Axe.

Hard at work.

Tacy wondering when he's going to get served.

Serra do Bone Cappuccino and Lemon Rasbperry Muffin.

Brewing up some Finca Matalapa.

Eating fettuccine at Axe (pronouced "Ah-Shay") and needing lots of salt.

Gruyere and Proscuitto Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Tony shows photos from Mission Burger - evidently the best burger in the world.

Round Two: Serra do Bone Cappuccino and Red Velvet Sandwich.

Interior of Red Velvet Sandwich - kinda mushy and undercooked.

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