I prefer to give the first day pep talk in German to set the tone.
Judges waiting for their turn.
Francisco Palarea, technical judge extraordinaire.
Head Judge Rob Tuttle de Atlanta.
Getting ready to begin.
"Calibrating" with local coffee.
Guillermo, Gabriella, Claudia & Beatriz.
Tech Judge Claudia.
Johanna Rodriguez (s) tastes the coffee.
My Day One Judging Team: Guillermo Valdez (s), Gabriella De Leon (s), Francisco Palarea (interloper), Beatriz Valdez (s), Yours Truly (h), Claudia Torres (t), Jorge Escobar (t) and Jorge Villacorta (t).
Seems that everywhere you turn, there's a Pollo Campero awaiting your arrival. After our unsuccessful attempts to eat Yuca con Chicharron, we were hungry and, surprise! A Pollo Campero was in sight. The question: wait until we get back to San Salvador and eat at the Campero across from the hotel or eat now. Now wins every time.
Should I ever decide to live in Guatemala, El Salvador or Nicaragua, I can rest assured that fried chicken will never be far away.