Thursday, January 17, 2008

Twins and the Runny Egg Yolk


After my six hour ordeal from D.C. to Baltimore, I decided to give up on reaching The Spro or going home, so I headed down to Woodberry to ride out the storm traffic. While there, I decided to set up the Immersion Circulators and go for a test run.

Ever since my visit to Charlie Trotter's and the second course with the poached egg, I've been dreaming of re-creating this on my own. From what our server told us that night, the egg was poached at 60 degrees celcius for eight hours. Of course, it's seven p.m. and service ends at eleven. Four hours. That's gonna have to be enough time to see what happens.

Sixty Degrees.

Working with the immersion circulator is pretty straightforward. Fill a pan with water, put the thing in, plug it in and let 'er rip. Dial in the temperature and wait. Hint: if you're attempting a sous vide at 60C, it's unnecessary to use cold water. Just pour in hot water straight from the tap, the heating time will be shorter.

Once the water started heating, I dropped in four eggs and that was it. Now it was time to wait and make myself useful at the bar!

An order of Poutine and Tri-tip Steak (plus a sample of the new house-ground hamburger) later and it was time to check on the eggs. After three hours in the bath, the yolk was still too runny. Not yet. Gotta keep going.

4 Hours.

Another hour later (4 hours total), service was over and it was getting near the time to get outta there. Pulled another egg and the whites were really getting that lovely, soft texture but the yolk was still runny. Thicker than the other but still runny. Although, pushing back and forth with the fork showed resistance and the promise of something truly exciting in texture to come. The guy at Trotter's was right, we were only about halfway there. Another four hours and it must be something wonderful.

Unfortunately, it was time to go home so the rest of the eggsperiment will have to wait until another time.


Anonymous said...

are you sure the eggs at trotters weren't 65c? i have read about "soixante cinq" (sorry about the spelling) eggs.

Anonymous said...


try 63.8 degrees for an hour, should be the results you are looking for.

we have gone to 65 because I like a firmer yolk.


onocoffee said...

To be quite honest, I'm not sure of anything! I thought I remember them telling me 60C, but I could be wrong. Very wrong. I've got some commercial eggs right now going for the eight hour mark just to see what's what.

Thanks for the tip. I will give it a try later tonight.